Slayer Espresso

In 2007, Slayer set out to design the best possible espresso machine, no matter the cost. After two years of development, we shook the industry with a revolutionary method for espresso extraction. Today, this flagship product prepares espresso with unprecedented technology and creates a coffee experience with unmatched style.


Slayer Espresso is the gateway to flavor profiling. Patented flow control, enabled by a precision needle valve, gives you the ability to manipulate and transform the flavor of espresso. In the hands of professional baristas, the brew actuator becomes a vital tool for finding the best in any coffee


Extraction begins in pre-brew, a slow “wetting” stage with a highly restricted flow rate. Once the coffee bed has been fully saturated, the switch to brew increases the flow and applied pressure. These two positions are used with intentionality in various patterns to create a profile that achieves the desired flavor balance. This manual technique creates real, perceptible changes in taste and aroma. It is no mere stunt of engineering.

Slow saturation also affords the opportunity for proper extraction at extraordinarily fine grind settings. With pre-brew, Slayer Espresso accepts – even prefers – a range of particle size that no other machine can tolerate.


Some equipment is meant to go unnoticed or to remain hidden, but the espresso machine is a stage. Slayer invites baristas to participate in the theater of making coffee for their customers. Handcrafted components and highly customizable features combine man and machine to create an unforgettable experience on both sides of the bar.


This machine is built to defy the highest demand and thrive under the best baristas in the world. Endless steam capacity, ultimate temperature stability, and revolutionary control of extraction make us proud to have Slayer Espresso anchoring our brand.